Finding the perfect home design is rarely easy. After exploring countless websites, display homes and magazines, it can feel as though nobody has the right design to suit you or your unique style. You may like some elements of a home design – the kitchen or the décor, a bathroom or bedroom detail – but it still does not tick all the boxes.
At Exquisite Developments, our skilled designers, architects, consultants, and custom home builders have years of experience in delivering amazing homes of all shapes and sizes, for all budgets and taste across Melbourne. As builders, we understand building costs and how design impacts on budget, and this knowledge translates into fantastic and affordable creative outcomes.
We have developed a solid reputation as a renowned custom home builder in Melbourne by exceeding both the norms and the standards in the custom home building construction industry. We are committed to integrity, honesty, quality workmanship and exceptional service in every new custom home we deliver for a client.
Our specialist home builders craft the perfect dwellings for your property, balancing both liveability and maximum return on investment for you. We pride ourselves on creating beautiful spaces. Using high-spec materials and inclusions, we are able to maximise the resale value and sale-ability whilst also ensuring that we build to budget.